Maria Clara Medina 2020-05-21T19:30:34+00:00Francesco Darmanin was born in Florence on 03/10/1995 He starts to study the clarinet with professor Sabrina Landi Malavolti, before being admitted to the Luigi Cherubini Conservatory of Florence in September 2009 in Fabio Battistelli’s class. He graduates in September 2014 with full marks and honours. His first concert as a soloist takes place in May 2011 in Verdi Theater of Florence, performing “Introduzione, Tema e Variazioni” of G. Rossini. He won a number of competitions, among which “Concorso strumentistico Nazionale Calcit” with 1st overall winner, “Concorso Nazionale Silver Città di Vinci” with 1st prize, “Concorso Internazionale Premio Crescendo” with 1st overall winner 100/100 and Crescendo prize for horn section and 1st overall winner, “Chiarappa” special prize for duo chamber music with pianist Mattia Fusi and “Concorso Lions Aldobrandeschi, Grosseto” with 1st prize. He also performed in various music festivals and concerts as part of the chamber ensemble or as a soloist, obtaining important awards. To mention a few: “Livorno Music Festial “, “I concerti di Villa Bardini, Firenze”, “Note d’Autunno, Siena”, “Rassegna di Musica da Camera di Fiesole”, “Stagiona Concertistica di Castelfranco”, “Accademia Musicale Chigiana”, “Momenti musicali, Castello Sforzesco, Milano”, “Agimus Firenze”. In February 2014 he obtains the role of first clarinet in “Opera da Tre Soldi” of K. Weill and “Rhapsody in Blue” of G. Gershwin directed by master Guido Corti, hosting important productions with pianist Ivano Chiarotti and Alessandro Lanzoni. He regularly works with the Tuscan Regional Orchestra with directors Daniele Giorgi, Timothy Brock, Daniele Rustioni, Christopher Poppen, eva Ollikainen ecc. In 2014 he participates in “Concerti per Solista e Orchestra” of the L.Cherubini Conservatory, performing “Concerto per Clarinetto e Orchestra n.1 in fa minore di C.M.v.Weber” with the symphonic orchestra of L. Cherubini Conservatory, directed by master Paolo Ponziani Ciardi. He participates to the EUYO selections at the RAI venues of Rome, achieving eligibility for “Orchestra Giovanile Italiana”. From 2014 he starts a chamber music collaboration with pianist Mattia Fusi, with whom he performs in many concerts and takes part in various competitions. He recently won the “Chiarappa” scholarship for chamber ensemble. First clarinet for the European Spirit of Youth Orchestra directed by Igot Kuret, he was member of the “Camerata Strumentale Città di Prato” directed by J. Webb for three years. In October 2015 he was the protagonist of the inauguration concert of the University of Tor Vergata concert season, Ennio Morricone hall, Rome, performing “Concertino op.48” for clarinet with F. Busoni orchestra. In 2019 he performs concert KV622 of Mozart with Raffaello of Urbino orchestra. He is active in the field of contemporary music, as such, he became member of the “Ensemble degli Intrigati” originated from the “Cantiere Internazionale d’Arte di Montepulciano”, where he collaborates with composers such as Detle Glanert, Roland Boer, Mauro Montalbetti, Fabrizio Festa. Currently, he is a member of the Accademia della Scala Orchestra of Milan and principal Clarinet of Orchestra Toscana Classica and Orchestra da Camera Fiorentina. As a composer, his works “Filemone e Bauci” and “Lieder der Einsamkeit” were performed in concerts organised by “La Piccola Stagione di Milano”, “La Stagione Concertistica dell’Orchestra Toscana Classica di Firenze”, “I Concerti di Villa Bardini” di Firenze.